
Lu “Messymaru” Sim is a Philippine-based LEGO mech builder who specializes in Japanese style Mecha builds. Most of his build are highly influenced by popular Mecha Manga and Anime most notably from the Gundam and Five Star Stories series as well as Mecha video games such as Virtual-On, Front Mission, and the Armored Core series.

Lu is a former Design professor at De La Salle University and a Graphic Designer by profession. He creates, designs, and self-publishes his Lego works and instruction manuals, such as his Mech Wars Instructional Primer on Amazon.

He’s also currently a co-admin of Brick Mecha Division, an international LEGO mech hobby group, which he represents annually at Lego Brickfest in Japan.

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By | 2019-05-27T07:24:30+00:00 May 27th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments